AAG WeatherCenter 


Thanks to the effort of David Nicholls, reading weather information from the great and free Cumulus software is very easy for users of AAG Weather Center.

Once you have Cumulus working with your station, download the template file created by David:


and simply configure Cumulus template processing. If you are not using the internet publishing capabilities of Cumulus, just set the refresh time in the Internet configuration window:

AAG CloudWatcher cloud detector weather center screen

… setting autoupdate and the interval is enough. The go to the “files” tab, and tell Cumulus where the template is, and what file do you want it to create:

AAG CloudWatcher cloud detector weather center screen

Don’t forget to tick “Process”. The file at the left (local) is AAG_WeatherCenterCU.htm, the one at the right (remote) is ToWc.html

This (ToWc.html) is the one to be specified in WeatherCentre, setup, Weather station, Data file. 

From now on, every “interval” minutes, Cumulus will create the specified file. AAG WeatherCenter will happily read it to complete its set of information.