Automatic start of CW software
NOTE: this is not necessary for current versions.
To avoid having to manually launch AAG’s CW software each time … first step is to define no users in Windows, then it will automatically start the default user session (Windows 10 – see below).
This vb script will do the rest of the trick, recording the user data file overwriting its current contents:
Dim oCW
set oCW = CreateObject(“AAG_CloudWatcher.CloudWatcher”)
oCW.RecordStart False
Set oCW=nothing
You can download this script from here – alternatively, place this few lines of code in an ASCII file with extension .vbs (eg AutoStartCW.VBS) and place a shortcut in the Startup section of the windows menu.
Other versions of the script:
- If you don’t want to overwrite, but rather preserve the data in the user data file, please use this version instead.
- If you don’t want to start recording to the user data file, this is the correct one then.

For Windows 10, you may need to additionally follow these steps:
Execute the “Task Scheduler” (you can search for it by typing Task Scheduler in the search bar in the Windows toolbar).
Perform the following:
1. Press “Create task…” on the right (NOTE: Do not click Create Basic Task)
2. On the General tab:
– Enter a name for the task. I can be anything. I entered “CloudwatcherStart”.
– Check “Run with highest privileges”
3. On the Triggers tab:
– Press
– Drop down the “Begin the task” and select “At log on”
– Set to Any User
– Make sure “Enabled” is checked
4. On the Action tab:
– Press
– In the Program/Script entry box put the location of the vbs script file
5. On the Settings tab:
– Uncheck “Stop the task if it runs longer than…”
– Uncheck “If the running task does not end…”
Press OK to save the newly scheduled task.
After I restart the computer (I have auto-logon configured) the task started up just fine. I don’t know why this worked over running it manually, but I’m not going to argue with success.
Thank you very much to Timothy Hutchison for this input.
Brief explanation of the script:
The instruction oCW.Device_Start() will launch AAG_CloudWatcher.
The instruction oCW.RecordStart False will start recording data to the user data file in a an empty file (erasing its previous contents).
If instead one uses oCW.RecordStart True the information is appended to existing file.