Hi all,
It’s been recently drawn to my attention the fact that PushBullet (the system / app we were using to deliver instant messages, from the Dragonfly, or the Solo, or others…) no longer supports iOS devices, so no iPhone, iPad, etc.
The same person (thanks, Dave!) found a similar system, called PushOver, supporting all systems. While PushBullet was totally free, PushOver requires a one-time payment, but of just 5 USD after the trial period.
In any event, we’ve added support for PushOver, both from the Dragonfly macros (already active) and from the Solo (safe / unsafe notifications) – will be included in next release due, hopefully, tomorrow.
To “activate” PushOver, just specify a key (token) starting with “po-” (3 letters and a hyphen).
The software will still mention “PushBullet key”, etc, that will change in future versions, but just adding those 3 letters before the actual key/token will result in a PushOver message being sent, instead of a PushBullet one.
Hope this helps.