stand-alone computer designed to make the most of the CloudWatcher.

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Latest SOLO news!

—August 2023: the SOLO now allows for custom timezones (UTC offsets) to be selected in the settings.

—February 2022: new CloudWatcher+SOLO video introduction.

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The “SOLO”, a tiny computer customized to control your CloudWatcher 7 days 24 hours.

SOLO CLOUDWATCHER, mobile screen sample.

With the following highlights:

  • very low power requirements, less than 2W, ideal for remote observatories
  • integrated web server, so you can check your observatory’s weather from any part of the world
  • constant monitoring implies longer life for the CloudWatcher
  • takes power from your current CloudWatcher power supply

LUA inside

Android widget available!

SOLO CLOUDWATCHER widget image sample

Some very recent Android models are experiencing issues. We are working to solve them.

ASCOM observing conditions standard: covering all the data available in the CloudWatcher. Also includes the Safety monitor driver in the same package.


The information read from the CloudWatcher is made available to any computer in the same network, so you can use your current Windows software, in “Remote” mode, and keep the integration with your current session control software / automation – in some cases, you can even uninstall the Windows software, as the “single line data” file is also published – suitable for CCDAP, CCDCommander, our combined ASCOM safety monitor and observing conditions driver.

It will also publish to any MQTT server, send you push messages to your smartphone (using PushOver or PushBullet), generate a JSON data file for easy integration, log data indefinitely to a USB pen, upload files to a NAS server

Since the “Solo” has its own serial port, and publishes information in the local network, you’ll get rid of any USB/Serial devices and drivers issues.

AAG CloudWatcher SOLO sample screen with Atmospheric pressure and Relative humidity