Upgrading the Solo to Version 3.x
Upgrading to Firmware Version 3.x

Versions from 3.0 are based on a more modern Linux operating system, which must be updated manually.
A drive image of the latest version is always available here: https://lunaticoastro.com/solo/Solo.zip
If you own a Solo Model R (the one with USB adpater) use this instead: https://lunaticoastro.com/solo/Solo-R.zip
The actual image (in ISO format) is inside the zip / compressed file and requires an micro-SD card with a capacity of 8 Gb or larger. You can use the free Rufus (the portable version, which doesn’t modify the windows registry).
Alternativaly, there’s also Win32DiskImager.
There is no need to format the card, just use Rufus or Win32DiskImager to record the image (it is a file ended in ISO, such as Solo3.7.iso, overwriting whatever is on the SD card).
Once at this version, updates will work as usual, from the config page, clicking the update button.
This “generation 3” of the Solo brings many new features, please check the version history.
Remember: in order to remove the SD card from the Solo:
- the Solo must be powered off
- you have to push the card in, then release, a spring will free it – never force as that will damage the holder. If the card does not move-and-click when you press it in (different card holder), then you can just gently pull.