AAG CloudWatcher cloud detector, high accuracy, low-cost system.

New CloudWatcher software

Pressure and RH – improved display

Hi all,
we are releasing a new version of the CloudWatcher software, with complete support for both the RH and the newer dual RH + Atm pressure sensor.
As many of you know, we’re trying to move to a completely new software platform, using modern tools and starting from scratch. This version is hopefully the last before embarking on the new one.
Also – please bear in mind this is a true beta – not as tested as you are used to. There will surely be a few bugs.
To make things easier for you, if you want to try it, the name is “CloudWatcher9.exe” – so you can just save it along with the current version, and in case of problems just launch the older one
It can be downloaded from:
(just the executable – please save to your \program files (x86)\aag_cloudwatcher folder)
For “remote”, using the Solo, you’ll have to wait a few more days until the new Solo version is available.
Please bear with us – there are a couple of features missing for the pressure and RH, but the present functionality should cover for the coming months.

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